Splash Page Vs. Landing Page: What's The Difference 您所在的位置:网站首页 website home page vs landing page Splash Page Vs. Landing Page: What's The Difference

Splash Page Vs. Landing Page: What's The Difference

2023-03-29 02:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Did you know that putting multiple offers on your landing page can reduce conversions by 266%?

If you are wondering how you can share many deals with your visitors and optimize your conversion rates, you are in the right place.

Nowadays, web designers, e-commerce store owners, blog writers, online marketing agents, or any other player in the world of e-commerce face a myriad of options.

Landing pagesSplash pagesPop-upsMicrosites....and even squeeze pages

In this article, we explain the differences and the advantages of each solution with real-life examples.

Are you ready to learn more?

Keep on reading.

What Is A Landing Page? 💁🏻‍♀️ Structure Of A Good Landing Page 📝 How Do Splash Pages Differ From Landing Pages? 🧐 Splash Page Advantages 💯 Pop-ups Vs Splash Pages Splash Page Examples 💻 What About Microsites? 👩🏾‍💻 Squeeze Pages 📜

Important disclosure: we're proud affiliates of some tools mentioned in this guide. If you click an affiliate link and subsequently make a purchase, we will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you (you pay nothing extra).

What Is A Landing Page? 💁🏻‍♀️

A landing page in the digital world is a standalone web page designed to promote a marketing or advertising campaign.

It is the page that people arrive at after clicking on a link in an email or an ad from a search engine, social media post, or other related websites.

A great landing page design is the best choice for increasing the conversion rates of your marketing campaigns and lowering the cost of obtaining a lead or sale in several industries.

Structure Of A Good Landing Page 📝

Landing pages are great options to increase conversion and maximize the potential of your marketing campaigns.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when creating a landing page, even if you use a landing page builder or use professional templates.Relevant Content

A good landing page template has constant elements that should be displayed to ensure success.

These elements are none other than headline, copy, some type of form field, call-to-action, specific features, and benefits worth mentioning.

Product Features And Benefits

You will need more than just the headline on your landing page to impress most people.

You need a message.

The trick is to define unique advantages and features.

A feature describes a particular quality of your product or service, while a benefit describes the feature's beneficial effects.


Successful landing pages have one link in them.

It is an important factor because it needs to focus on a particular conversion goal.

More links can distract visitors which drastically decreases conversions.


Call-to-actions are eye-catching buttons that encourage visitors to click. A CTA can be a standalone button on a click-through page or a form.

Avoid using strict instructions like “CLICK HERE”, instead stay mysterious, and use something like “START MY FREE TRIAL”.

Fonts, colors, and contrast are also important, do not be afraid to A/B test your CTAs.


As we have already discussed, a high-quality landing page has one conversion goal.

A conversion goal can be anything that the company is setting, such as increasing the number of newsletter subscribers, driving more sales, generating more leads.

Keep the conversion goal in mind when designing your landing page and design and optimize the entire page accordingly.

Focus On Graphics And Animations

With landing pages, it is time to shine. And by shine, we mean visualization.

High-quality images, graphics, and animation are some of the excellent examples that are worth sharing.

The first impression is the most important one; whatever the visualization is, it will be the first thing visitors see on your landing page.

How Do Splash Pages Differ From Landing Pages? 🧐

When a user visits a website, the first thing they usually see is a splash page. Splash pages cover up the site before entering and have more animations, videos, and eye-catching elements than the main page.

You can use them to:

Advertise exclusive deals or upcoming eventsDisplay cautionary or disclaimer messagesCollect contact informationHighlight a specific productDraw attention to time-sensitive announcements

Wait, how does it differ from a landing page, you might ask 🤔

They have some similarities like aesthetically pleasing high-quality visuals, short, concise, and to-the-point texts, and CTAs.

The major difference is that they have different goals.A splash page is just the first step to your website; it has an exit link that redirects visitors to the main page. Landing pages usually do not have navigation; the primary goal is keeping users there until they convert.

Also, one of its principal aims is to draw visitors' attention to special products or services, information, special offers, or even a CTA.

At the same time, they create landing pages for specific conversion goals.

Splash Page Advantages 💯

Splash pages have several advantages.

Even if it is to click through to your website, splash page design catches your users' attention.

People use splash pages to support the brand's mission or story and create and build customer trust, which can cause increased sales and sign-ups.

🗒️These pages are usually very light content-wise, so you can focus on the visuals without spending too much time drafting the offer.

With a good splash page design, you have the chance to get a question out of the way, and with that, you can distract the visitors’ attention to what you want without them noticing.

Also, it is like opting-in; it requires page visitors to be qualified.

Pop-ups Vs Splash Pages

Splash pages differ from landing pages because they pop up when a visitor enters the site.

But what about pop-ups?

Pop-ups are usually triggered by something.

It can be either a delay or an element. In contrast to this, splash screens are always integrated into the page. Pop-ups typically have one single message.

Pop-ups Examples 💁🏾

Pop-ups can appear in all shapes and sizes.

Here are some examples to show you the variety.

Image Source: Wishpond

This is an excellent example of an exit-intent pop-up because a mouse movement triggers it to the top of the page.

This way, you can keep your visitors longer or offer them a solution if the site they have seen was not satisfactory.

Image Source: Optimizely

This type of pop-up appears at the bottom of the page. As discussed earlier, pop-ups are not integrated into the page; here, delay triggers it.

It is one reason it would not be a suitable splash screen.

Image Source: Convince and ConvertThis website uses the fear of missing out (FOMO) method on their pop-up, which is triggered by scrolling down the website.

It would not work as a splash page since it is not the first thing visitors see entering the website and has a clear conversion goal.

Splash Page Examples 💻

There are some cases where a splash page works the best while sometimes they are not the best options.

In this paragraph, you can find a few examples of why designers might have made the splash page or landing page as-is.


Forbes used a splash page to pass on a thought-provoking quote to their visitors before entering the website.

This helps to break up the monotony of the visitor experience, and it is also useful when it comes to attracting attention.

It acts as a bridge to draw readers to the content and tone of the website.

Image Source: HubSpotHere it is clear why designers have used the splash page.

The primary purpose was to attract attention, not to increase conversions directly, and without a CTA and a clear conversion goal, this page would be unsuitable as a landing page.


An excellent example from Ikea on highlighting and drawing attention to a specific product is when they announced the seating series called “SÖDERHAMN”.

Image Source: Behance

Users visiting the IKEA site have been faced with a mysterious splash page after entering the website.

However, it is not a usual splash page; it is more of a landing page because it has several navigation points that can easily distract visitors.

It does not have a specific conversion goal like every other landing page has, so the navigation buttons are bold exit links here.


Budweiser sells alcohol, so you must be of legal drinking age to enter their website.

First, they ask where you are from because the age of majority may vary from country to country.

Image Source: Budweiser

A splash page is a great way to age verification since it is the first page that visitors see when they enter the website.

This allows designers to prevent visitors under the age of consent from accessing the website.

In terms of structure, this is a typical splash page. It has a minimal copy: just a simple question to answer and an emphasized visual representing the main product.


Zara is one of the biggest international fashion companies and belongs to one of the world’s largest distribution groups.

As a result, they have websites, shops, and stock in many countries.

A splash page is a brilliant choice for Zara because of the differences in stock because of the varying supply.

Image Source: Zara

Therefore, before entering the main page, visitors must select their country and are automatically redirected to the website.

This allows Zara to ensure the right user experience by enabling consumers to find the available products on the website.

Their splash pages also have a minimal copy, and they usually emphasize beautiful fashion-related visuals.

Zara uses drop-down menus to get to know more about visitors’ country and language, which are also important factors user experience-wise.

What About Microsites? 👩🏾‍💻

A microsite is a single web page or a small group of pages designed to serve as a standalone entity within an existing website or to supplement an offline operation.

The main page of the microsite may have its domain name or sub-domain.

There are many reasons it is better to use a microsite instead of a landing page or splash page, and how it can benefit your online activity:More Information: SEO opportunity for niche keywords (better search engine rankings for particular keywords)sense of exclusivity: based on location or specific interest, lead generation (generate high-intent leads for businesses)isolation from other products: targeted campaigns, promoting eventstechnical reasons: help the mail site load faster, easier to manage

Remember that a well-designed microsite is crucial to the project’s success; otherwise, users may become confused.

A completely new interface and incomplete information can lead to a poor user experience, ultimately preventing users from returning to the website or completing a particular conversion goal.

Squeeze Pages 📜

A landing page is a landing page that aims to collect opt-in email addresses from potential subscribers.

A squeeze page tries to persuade, cajole, or otherwise squeeze a visitor into presenting one of their most desired pieces of personal data: their email address.

So its main conversion goal is to capture email addresses.

A squeeze page is a short form page that includes a simple lead capture form.

Not necessarily a standalone page because it can be present on a homepage. Eventually, most of the time it is followed by a welcome or thank you email in exchange.


Image Source: CapturlyImage Source: Copy HackersImage Source: OptinMonsterSumming Up 👏🏼

When it comes to websites, the primary aim is to catch, drive, and maintain visitors’ attention.

It is the same for landing pages.

An image, graphic, gif, or video that is engaging, eye-catching, but still restrained will increase your conversions remarkably.

However, it can also hurt them.

So plan and position the visual material on your website carefully, making it more attractive rather than distracting.

Keep in mind that including alt-texts in your images makes it easier for search engines to understand them and direct more visitors to your site.

Experience with splash pages, pop-ups, microsites, or even squeeze pages and find what works best for you and your audience.

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